Thursday, 21 May 2009


An art not so famed
Sure they act lame
Thier jokes go mile
And makes all smile

Children amused on their idiocy
Laughing so purely
Matured go immature
And for a moment they'll adore

Bystander believe they are worthless
Maybe because they earn much less
He makes others smile
Looking foolish all the while

In their act they do take pain
But not all in vain
Making funny colored face
Bringing down lifes pace

He humours his tragedy
Gets rid of viewers lethargy
Forgets his own plight
To make a comic sight

An art not so famed
Sure they act lame
Thier jokes go mile
And makes all smile

Friday, 1 May 2009

Terrorism our enemy , Terrorists our Brothers

There is no second opinion that Terrorism is the biggest threat that has plagued this universe. It has made unsafe the place which we know is the best that we have...."OUR HOME". We all condemn them, hate them, curse them, But what have we done to STOP them.

Terrorism as they say is Jihad against the atrocities on them, but is it that all of the worlds atrocities are on any religion??? It’s a part of our society & no religion has to do anything with that. Our politics has gone from Bad to worse and we are the only ones to be blamed.
"Societies gave birth to Terrorism and we were the ignorant parents of so called cultured society."

Terrorists are those who were exploited and left to ruin & who just seek attention and they do get it when they strike. But I fail to understand one thing, wat has attention got to do with their problems. That won’t be solved automatically. It needs to be worked upon, thought upon, and lived upon. Easier said than done but if we wont wake up to this now, this devil is going to swallow our Homes, our beloved ones, all of us.

While we were enjoying the riches and luxury & ignored the rest part of the world where extremists exploited and we assumed its not our duty or job to interfere. It was not just ignorants but there were a few culprits who took advantage of the situation and kicked the weak harder. But we hardly knew the fact that our ignorance will lead to such a disaster and it’ll affect each and every body and humans will be the bombs to be used against humans.

We were so engrossed in beautification of our house that we forgot about others around us and now when we have destroyed others house in the process of building our own, we realize that the sufferer whom we ignored for long has been taken hostages to the bad elements. And the time has come to get them back not to safeguard our HOME but for what we are…Social animal. Common they too are our brothers.