Thursday, 21 May 2009


An art not so famed
Sure they act lame
Thier jokes go mile
And makes all smile

Children amused on their idiocy
Laughing so purely
Matured go immature
And for a moment they'll adore

Bystander believe they are worthless
Maybe because they earn much less
He makes others smile
Looking foolish all the while

In their act they do take pain
But not all in vain
Making funny colored face
Bringing down lifes pace

He humours his tragedy
Gets rid of viewers lethargy
Forgets his own plight
To make a comic sight

An art not so famed
Sure they act lame
Thier jokes go mile
And makes all smile

1 comment:

Umesh (Predi) said...

DUDE! Most of ur posts go off my head :(
But chal...M getting used to it now :P